Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013

Membuat Teks Report


Orange  is one  of the  fruits  who very famous in the world ,  orange is a members of the “Rutaceae Citrus” (orange  tribe). The members of the orange tribe have a form like a tree with fleshy fruit and a sour taste , although many of this members  have a sweet taste.  The Sour taste in this fruit comes from the content of citric acid which is to be contained in all of this members.

Orange  is the origin come from of the East Asia and Southeast Asia. Sweet orange and citron (lemon) from East Asia, while the grapefruit, lemon and  lime  comes  from Southeast Asia.

 Oranges are very diverse and some species  of this fruit can be crossed with each other and produce the interspecies hybrids ('interspecific hybrid) which has a distinctive character  and  different from  the species before. Diversity of this fruit  can make  the classification, naming and recognition  are very difficult, because the  new people   just can see the difference of the oranges after the flowers or  fruit of orange  appear. As a result  there is no  detail information  about how many kinds of  oranges .  The Recent studies  of  this fruit explain  there is a strong linkage and relationship of Citrus  with the genus Fortunella Citrus (kumkuat), Poncirus, Microcitrus and Eremocitrus, so there is the possibility  to do a merger.

Many members of the orange  can be used by humans as foods, fragrances, and industrial. Oranges fruits are good sources of vitamin C and the fragrance / perfume essential. The leaves are also used as a spice.

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